About Us
​LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender) Tech encourages the continued early adoption and use of cutting-edge, new and emerging technologies by providing information, education and strategic outreach for LGBT communities. We are a national, nonpartisan group of LGBT organizations, academics and high technology companies whose mission is to engage with critical technology and public policy leaders for strategic discussions at all levels. LGBT Tech empowers LGBT communities and individuals, and ensures that media, telecommunications and high technology issues of specific concern to LGBT communities are addressed in public policy conversations.
Our Mission
The LGBT Technology Institute is the nation’s premier organization working to bridge the technology gap for all LGBTQ individuals. The Institute works with individuals and communities and engages in research, education, volunteerism, and partnerships to provide cutting-edge technology and resources to improve the lives of LGBTQ individuals, especially those that are disadvantaged.
Why are LGBT communities different?
The LGBT community has specific concerns that are not immediately obvious and differ from the concerns of other minority communities in large part because of the aforementioned stigmas and isolation. Technology, through smart phones, high-speed networks and other current and emerging technologies allow LGBT people to come together, to meet and to empower each other, regardless of geographic distance. No longer does an LGBT individual, regardless of culture or background, need to grow up in a world where they feel alone.
This easy access to technology presents new and unique challenges as well. For many LGBT people still choosing with whom they share their sexual orientation, privacy is a paramount concern. It is crucial that networks have adequate privacy controls to ensure that user data is never compromised or unintentionally revealed so that LGBT people always retain control over what information they choose to share. Open, and just as importantly universal, broadband access across all communications platforms is also a key concern for LGBT people.
As mentioned, access to technology has fostered greater acceptance and community for LGBT communities. The internet has been a lifeline for LGBT people in smaller towns and remote communities. Universal open access is key to ensuring that any LGBT person, no matter where located, that desires to do so can have ready access to information without worries about their privacy being compromised or their content being restricted. These are just a couple of the unique issues that have an impact on LGBT communities. The Partnership ensures that these and other issues are adequately addressed on behalf of LGBT communities.
Who We Are
LGBT Tech is a diverse team of experts from multiple backgrounds that belong to the LGBTQIA+ community. Grounded in empirical research, we develop programs and resources that support LGBTQ+ communities and work to educate organizations and policy makers on the unique needs LGBTQ+ individuals face when it comes to tech.