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Tech Sector Once Again Leads the Way in Equality

Writer: LGBT TechLGBT Tech

Updated: Oct 25, 2021

Media Contacts: Christopher Wood, LGBT Technology Partnership,

LGBT Technology Partnership Salutes the Tech Sector For Once Again Leading the Way in Equality

WASHINGTON, DC, February 4, 2014 – No other technology has allowed LGBT communities to transcend geographic barriers like the Internet. Having the ability to share a few words, an image or a video around the world in mere seconds has changed the ways LGBT communities mobilize, face injustices and fight oppression. With the Olympic Games taking place later this week in Sochi, Russia, the Internet once again has played a pivotal role in uncovering and shining a spotlight on injustices.

At the same time, much the way technology companies have shown leadership in diversity and inclusion, the tech sector is leading the way in publicly condemning Russia’s ongoing discrimination against the LGBT community. Today AT&T, in a press release, became the first major U.S. corporation to publicly speak out against Russia’s discrimination of the LGBT community. Their press release reads as follows:

AT&T has a long and proud history of support for the LGBT community in the United States and everywhere around the world where we do business. We support LGBT equality globally and we condemn violence, discrimination and harassment targeted against LGBT individuals everywhere. Russia’s law is harmful to LGBT individuals and families, and it’s harmful to a diverse society.

“The LGBT Technology Partnership salutes AT&T for taking a bold move to speak out against Russia’s ongoing discrimination of the LGBT community,” said LGBT Technology Partnership Executive Director, Christopher Wood. “As the first major American corporation to make a statement on this matter, AT&T has shown true leadership in this area.” We commend AT&T’s leadership in this area and encourage other technology corporations to follow AT&T’s lead. In fact, the LGBT Technology Partnership encourages all companies that support equality, human rights and social justice, regardless of their industry, to follow AT&T’s lead in condemning Russia’s oppressive laws. AT&T’s full release can be read here: About LGBT Technology Partnership.

The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender) Technology Partnership encourages the continued early adoption and use of cutting-edge, new and emerging technologies by providing information, education and strategic outreach for LGBT communities. We are a national, nonpartisan group of LGBT organizations, academics and high technology companies whose mission is to engage with critical technology and public policy leaders for strategic discussions at all levels. The Partnership empowers LGBT communities and individuals, and ensures that media, telecommunications and high technology issues of specific concern to LGBT communities are addressed in public policy conversations. Visit for additional information, follow us on Twitter @LGBTTech and like us on Facebook at

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