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[Watch the Replay] Network Modernization: Ensuring All Communities Thrive as Technology Evolves Panel Recap

LGBT Tech hosted a virtual webinar "Network Modernization: Ensuring All Communities Thrive as Technology Evolves" on June 27th. This event explored how evolving network technology can foster inclusivity and empower diverse communities, featuring industry experts and community advocates.

The webinar featured Lynn Follansbee, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships at US Telecom, providing valuable insights into why innovation cycles are crucial and what the industry is doing to ensure every community thrives as communications technology evolves.

Lynn Follansbee then moderated a panel discussion with advocates from the disability, aging, rural, and LGBTQ+ communities. This discussion examined the opportunities broadband networks have made possible for many in vulnerable communities, as well as how these communities view innovation, where some consumers may be hesitant to move to new technologies.

The panel included distinguished advocates:

  • Debra Berlyn, Executive Director, Project GOAL

  • Tina Metzer, Vice President, NCRD & Co-Founder, RuralRISE and RuralRISE Tech

  • Marcie Roth, Executive Director & CEO, World Institute on Disability

  • Carlos Gutierrez, Deputy Director & General Counsel, LGBT Tech

Missed the Event? Watch It Online!

If you couldn’t join us live, you can watch the full event online here. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, community advocate, or curious about the future of technology, this event offers valuable insights for everyone.

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