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Statements & Filings

The LGBT Technology Partnership brings together cutting edge tech companies, nonprofit organizations, policy makers, scholars and innovators to improve access, increase inclusion, ensure safety and empower entrepreneurship for LGBT communities around technology.

Statements and FCC Filings

LGBT Tech Files Amicus Letter in Support of Online Privacy


This week, LGBT Tech, with McDermott Will & Emery serving as legal counsel, filed an amicus brief with the California Supreme Court requesting review of the Court of Appeal's decision in the case of Snap, Inc. v. The Superior Court of San Diego County (2024).

LGBT Tech Signs Joint Letter Against UK Government Attack on Encryption


On 13 February 2025, 109 civil society organizations, companies, and cybersecurity experts, including Global Encryption Coalition members, published a joint letter to the British Home Secretary Yvette Cooper calling on the UK Home Office to rescind its demand that Apple create a backdoor into its end-to-end encrypted services.

Statement from LGBT Tech on New Mexico Senate Bill 69


As New Mexico legislators consider S.B. 69, we urge them to prioritize strong consumer protection standards within the framework of this bill.

Statement from LGBT Tech on Washington H.B. 1483


As Washington legislators consider H.B.1483, which broadens access to third-party repair services under the "right to repair" framework, we underscore the need to embed strong consumer protection standards within this legislation.

LGBT Tech Statement on the Next Four Years


LGBT Tech stands firm in our mission to empower and uplift LGBTQ+ individuals, ensuring our community has the tools, resources, and access they need to thrive—especially in times of adversity and uncertainty. Read our full statement

Statement from LGBT Tech on Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel’s Departure from the FCC


LGBT Tech expresses our deepest gratitude to outgoing FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel for her leadership and unwavering commitment to ensuring equitable access to all.

LGBT Tech Statement on Legislation to Extend TikTok Ban Deadline


LGBT Tech supports the just-introduced Extend the TikTok Deadline Act, which delays the TikTok ban deadline by 270 days to allow Congress a full and meaningful discussion about the impact of the ban. This legislation reflects a more thoughtful approach to addressing concerns around security and privacy without cutting off the millions of LGBTQ+ users, viewers, and creators who have found community and connection on TikTok.

We urge Congress and the Biden administration to support this extension, and we commend Senators Markey, Wyden, Booker, and Representative Khanna for listening to the voices of marginalized groups and for their leadership in this effort.

LGBT Tech has joined an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to strike down the impending TikTok ban


LGBT Tech has joined an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to strike down the impending TikTok ban, which threatens free speech and LGBTQ+ access to vital digital spaces. Meaningful regulation must address the entire digital ecosystem—not unfairly target one platform while jeopardizing marginalized communities. Read our full statement.

28 Organizations Call on Congress to Oppose KOSA


As Congress works to tackle the complicated issue of protecting youth online, LGBT Tech continues to urge lawmakers to avoid the risks and harms currently present in the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA).

We shared these concerns in this letter to top Congressional offices this week, signed by 28 LGBTQ+ organizations and advocacy groups from across the United States.

LGBT Tech files an amicus brief in NetChoice v. Fitch over HB 1126 in Mississippi which mandates age verification and parental consent online.


This is a continuation of Netchoice’s challenge against Mississippi’s HB 1126 which mandates age verification and parental consent to access social media and other content online, and that requires websites to “prevent or mitigate” minors’ access to vague overbroad categories of protected speech.

LGBT Tech submitted comments with the goal of providing guidance on how to protect the best interests of children through the work of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada


LGBT Tech, a diverse team of experts from multiple backgrounds that belong to the LGBTQ+ community, submits these comments with the goal of providing guidance on how to protect the best interests of children through the work of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC). There are many situations where the data processing of children and adolescents requires greater attention. Canadian policymakers must strike the right balance between privacy, online safety and the preservation of vital online resources that are essential for fostering an inclusive digital space and empowering, rather than endangering, the well-being of Canadian youth.

LGBT Tech joins 101 Organizations requesting that the FY26 President's Budget Request include $40m for the State Department's Global Equality Fund and $40m for USAID Inclusive Development Hub's Protection of LGBTQI+ Persons


LGBT Tech joins 101 organizations respectfully urging the Biden Administration to support increased funding for global LGBTQI+ rights programs at the State Department’s Global Equality Fund to $40 million and USAID’s Inclusive Development Hub’s Protection of LGBTQI+ Persons to $40 million in the President’s Budget Request for Fiscal Year (FY) 2026.

LGBT Tech submitted comments in Brazil’s proceeding where the Brazilian government is seeking input on age-verification and child privacy laws


LGBT Tech submitted comments supporting youth safety in Brazil’s proceeding where the Brazilian government is seeking input on age-verification and child privacy laws.

LGBT Tech comments on Brazil's Age-verification and Child Privacy Laws


LGBT Tech is dedicated to advancing youth safety worldwide while recognizing the essential balance between safeguarding LGBTQ+ youth and respecting their autonomy and privacy. We are committed to creating an environment where young individuals can confidently explore and express their identities within a framework that values both security and personal freedom.

LGBT Tech joins letter urging Australia to protect end-to-end encryption in the Online Safety Act review


End-to-end encryption plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, security and privacy of millions in Australia. However, the statutory review of the Australian Online Safety Act erroneously characterizes end-to-end encryption as an obstacle to online safety and law enforcement, instead of recognizing that it is essential for online security and weakening it reduces safety for all.

LGBT Tech Writes Letter In Opposition of AB 3172 Which Poses Potentially Severe Consequences to LGBTQ+ Youth & Content


As advocates for the vital digital rights and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community, including the millions who live in California, we write to respectfully express our deep concerns with the content and potential consequences of AB 3172, and to outline the reasons why we must oppose the bill.
While we understand and agree with the author’s desire to establish protections and safeguards for youth online, we believe that fatal flaws in AB 3172 open the door to dangerous over-moderation and could severely impact the rights and access of online users, particularly those in the LGBTQ+ community.

LGBT Tech Files Comments on the Communications Marketplace with the FCC


LGBT Tech has just filed comments with the FCC highlighting the critical role of broadband access for the LGBTQ+ community. Our filing addresses how connectivity is a lifeline for marginalized individuals.

LGBT Tech, in collaboration with Data for Progress, releases First-of-Its-Kind Survey on Digital Lives of LGBTQ+ Adults


Amid rising concerns about digital equity and inclusion, this research underscores the critical need for ensuring robust digital access and safe online spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals. The research, titled “ctrl-alt+lgbt,” illustrates the profound impact of digital connectivity on the LGBTQ+ community’s daily life, communication, health, education, and employment.

LGBT Tech signs letter in opposition to sunset Section 230 of the Communications Act


LGBT Tech joins coalition in opposing sunset Section 230 of the Communications Act. They believe doing so will jeopardize access to valuable resources online, harming vulnerable communities and guaranteeing round after round of culture war brinkmanship.

LGBT Tech Joins a Coalition of Tech, LGBTQ, Civil Society Groups Opposing KOSA Amendment to FAA Reauthorization


In a letter to Senate leaders, the groups voiced concerns that the legislation would give enormous powers to state attorneys general with a history of radical anti-LGBTQ policymaking, ultimately eliminating access to resources and communities for vulnerable Americans.

LGBT Tech signs onto a bill opposing SB 1076


On behalf of the consumer protection, economic justice, and civil rights groups herein, we strongly urge you to oppose SB 1076, authored by Senator Wilk. This bill attempts to undermine and weaken the California Delete Act (SB 362), passed in 2023 to empower Californians to protect their personal information from data brokers with an updated data broker registry and a one-click “delete” button to remove their information from every registered data broker.

LGBT Tech signs letter in opposition to SB 158


Our opposition to this bill, in its present state, arises from the undefined age verification requirements imposed on social media platforms, its concerning parental control provisions and ambiguous criteria for “sexual content,” and the bill’s infringement on First Amendment rights – which doom it to a protracted and unwinnable legal battle, if passed. While we appreciate the amendments that have been oered, they fail to address the fundamental challenges of this bill, nor do they alleviate our apprehensions about its repercussions.

LGBT Tech Statement & Letter on Colorado S.B. 158


LGBT Tech urges lawmakers to conduct a thorough review and revision of S.B. 158 to mitigate these concerns, and has sent a letter outlining these concerns to the Colorado Senate Committee for Business, Labor, & Technology, the offices of the Colorado Governor and Attorney General, and members of the Colorado LGBTQ+ Caucus.

LGBT Tech joins in signing a Public Comment Letter in Response to the Department of State Acquisition Regulation: Nondiscrimination in Foreign Assistance.


We believe that all people—including LGBTQI+ people—deserve equitable, meaningful access to services, programs, and employment funded by American foreign assistance no matter where they may be.

LGBT Tech has partnered with a coalition of civil organizations in filing an amicus brief in NetChoice v. Bonita


In the fight to ensure that marginalized individuals and the content they rely on are protected from undue censorship online, LGBT Tech has partnered with a coalition of civil organizations in filing an amicus brief in NetChoice v. Bonita

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